About Us
South West BirthWorkers is a collaboration between Emily Fuller and Fiona Willis, two birth workers living in Somerset. We offer Continuing Professional Development for midwives, doulas and other birth professionals in the form of workshops, study days and retreats here in the South West of England.
Previous Workshops include:
Previous Workshops include:
- An Introduction to Breech Birth with Mary Cronk, MBE RM RGN ADM NCDN, and and Joy Horner RM RGN Dip H.Ed.
- Creating Menstrual Health with Alexandra Pope, author of The Wild Genie: the Healing Power of Menstruation (Sally Milner Publishing, 2001), The Woman's Quest - a 13 session self guiding course (self published, 2006) and co-author of The Pill; are you sure it's for you? (Allen and Unwin, 2008).
- Birthing From Within - Introductory Mentor & Doula workshop: The Art of Childbirth Mentoring with Virginia Bobro, Senior Workshop Facilitator and Managing Director of Birthing From Within®.
- Healing Birth & Awakening the Divine Feminine with Benig Mauger - residential workshop and retreat with Jungian psychotherapist and author Benig Mauger.
- Moonsong and Connecting with the Shamanic Dimensions of Pregnancy - one day workshops with Jane Hardwicke Collings from the School of Shamanic Midwifery.
- Supporting Every Birth - a workshop with Michelle Every for birthworkers on supporting families with stillbirth and infant loss.

Mary Cronk, MBE with Fiona and Kylie (a previous South West BirthWorker) at the breech study day, September 2011
'Mary Cronk MBE, breech birth specialist with two incredibly talented, kind and hardworking founding members of South West BirthWorkers Network - Fiona Willis & Kylie Pattnaik. It was an unforgettable and very emotional day. Deepest thanks.'
~ Kemi, Independent Midwife